A list of good reads
- Two good reads from the New York Times: one, an excerpt (splainer gift link) from Cormac McCarthy’s new novel ‘The Passenger’. Two, a tribute to ‘trash’ movies that Hollywood has forgotten how to make.
- Elizabeth Bernstein in Wall Street Journal (splainer gift link) pens a must-read essay on the power of coincidences—and how they help us make decisions and grow closer to one another.
- The Atlantic marks the demise of GIFs—a useful memo to those of us addicted to them.
- If you adore John Donne’s poetry, this New Yorker essay on his love poems is perfect for you.
- Sandip Roy in Times of India explains why it isn’t okay for Kapil Dev to mock people with mental health issues.
- Did you know that Duolingo is now doing creepy—supposedly ‘edgy’—social media campaigns? Gizmodo has more on why you may want to rethink your fave language app.
- Bloomberg Businessweek takes a deep dive into the chaos at Netflix—and how it may change the way it does business.
- Wired has an eye-opening piece on the army of ‘fake men’ on dating apps.
- Washington Post (splainer gift link) tells you what kind of exercise will actually shrink your fat cells
- Slate has a very useful piece on how ‘keeping it in’ to avoid icky public bathrooms may actually lead to more urinary tract infections.