A list of good reads
- Scroll looks at the rise in the number of both private and public mental health clinics—and of mental health awareness in Kashmir.
- CNN has a very useful guide to how often you should wash your hair.
- Popular Science decodes a flurry of misinformed media stories that claimed picking your nose could cause Alzheimer’s. What’s interesting: the actual findings of new research on how bacteria can enter the brain.
- Janagraha founders Swati and Ramesh Ramanathan in Hindustan Times take both anti-Modi liberals and the government to task for creating a polarised public debate—which they argue does not serve democracy.
- Speaking of adversarial politics, The Atlantic rips apart the latest tactic of climate change activists—vandalising great art.
- Can you stand on one leg for 10 seconds? The Guardian explains why your body’s balance could be a matter of life and death.
- Also in The Guardian: a must read on the dire state of bridges in India.
- Quartz takes a critical look at that much-vaunted virtue: ambition—and asks if giving up is good for you.
- Mint Lounge has the lineup at the Lollapalooza festival to be held in Mumbai in January.
- Washington Post (splainer gift link) has the real-life stories of ‘White Lotus’ guests at the world’s most expensive hotels.
- Harper’s Bazaar has a sweet essay on the grief you experience when your best friend moves to a different city.
- The News Minute did a very a good ground report from Coimbatore—where a bomb blast outside a temple is threatening to rip the Hindu and Muslim communities apart.