A list of intriguing things
One: Meet Molly who recently entered the Guinness World Records for… the most “most basketball slam dunks in 30 seconds by a guinea pig.” No, we are not trying to smuggle in cute animal videos at the slightest excuse. Why would you say that?
Two: Ok, so you want something a bit more ‘serious’? How about this stunning time-lapse of the Milky Way captured by photographer Eric Brummel? What makes it special: “Instead of the Milky Way moving across the night sky, it’s the Earth that’s in motion”—reminding us that we all live on a rotating rock spinning through space in a giant galaxy. (Universe Today)
Also a bit amazing: These South African succulents that look just like stones—and very pretty ones at that. Called Lithops, these plants have no stems—and all you see are bulbous fused leaves that poke out from the soil. The good news: They make good house plants that need very little care. (MyModernMet)
Last but not least: A wondrous city made entirely out of origami—and which even has a running train. The talented artist is Bangkok resident, 29-year-old Darunbhop Puangsombat. More details in the South China Morning Post report below.