A list of good reads
- Deutsche Welle reports on why activists are worried about Google’s controversial plans to create a “cloud region” in Saudi Arabia.
- The Atlantic has a fascinating read on the Gen Z’s desire for anonymity—which is in stark contrast to the age of the Instagram selfie.
- Eleanor Cummins in Slate looks at why and how breast implants—which were banned in the 90s for making women sick—have made a comeback.
- BBC News has an important read on why fishermen in Maharashtra can’t find any fish anymore.
- Elaine Hsieh Chou in Vanity Fair has a thought-provoking read on why white women who make Hollywood movies and series always create hyper-sexualised Asian female characters.
- Dirk Schulze-Makuch has a fascinating read for astronomy nerds in Popular Mechanics on the Dyson sphere—a sphere built around the sun that could meet our every energy need. Yes, we’re still obsessed with building it.
- Vox has an eye-opening read on Pixels—a Meta tool used by websites to track you across the internet. What’s interesting: hospitals, government websites and other sites that are supposed to be “safe” are the real culprits.
- CNN offers an experts’ guide to buying a pair of athletic shoes. And if you’re looking for more help, check out our crowd-sourced I Recommend for all types of walking, running and hiking shoes.
- KC Cole in Wired pens a thought-provoking argument against gendered pronouns—and why adding she/hers to her profile makes her feel uncomfortable.
- CNN has a very good piece on why menopause should not be treated like a disease.
- Scroll asks a good question: “Are YouTubers now as important as TV journalists in shaping Indian politics?”
- We were intrigued by this Twitter thread on why the drift toward minimalism in design is not a good thing.