A list of curious facts
One: Plant-based meat is everywhere, but what about plant-based eggs? French biologists have created Le Papondu—a vegan egg made of fava bean flour, methylcellulose, water, salt, oil, natural aroma and carrot for colouring. What they’re still struggling with: Creating a shell so it can be sold in cartons like the real ones. This gives a whole new twist to the ‘chicken and egg’ question. (RFI)
Two: Space is the hottest destination these days. So it isn’t surprising that beauty companies are heading to the International Space Station to develop their next generation of products. Colgate-Palmolive has sent human skin tissue cultures to the ISS to better understand the process of ageing—and maybe develop a revolutionary wrinkle cream. (Mashable)
Three: Everyone knows the ‘wife guy’—who drives us nuts on Insta with constant displays of marital bliss. But this isn’t a 21st century curse we can blame on Insta/FB. In the second half of the 18th century, these wife guys were busy commissioning giddy portraits that were no less nauseating. Like this pair of miniatures:
“The couple are pictured in a tender, seemingly private moment. Godeau’s dress is undone, flashing her left breast; she pleads with her husband to ‘at least be discreet’ while he blows her a kiss and assures her ‘you may count on me.’”
If you really need to see it despite that description, here you go. (Slate)
Four: Here’s an excellent fact—according to the research published by an online adult store in India, the most popular sex toy for the 65-plus Indian men is sex dolls. For older women: dildos, of course. (HomeGrown)
Five: The newest trend in funerals is the ‘reef ball burial’—an eco-chic alternative that involves mixing your cremated remains into a perforated concrete dome. Then you drop it into the sea bed—with GPS coordinates shared with the fam. These become artificial reefs that provide a home for fish and other marine life like crabs, sponges etc. See what it looks like below. (The Guardian)