A list of intriguing things
One: Splainer founding member Pooja Pillai sent us this link that lets you draw an iceberg and see how it floats. We absolutely cannot get enough of it. We pass on this perfect time-pass to you.
Two a): We stumbled upon two blood-red waterfalls recently. This one pours out of the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica—all thanks to an ancient community of microbes that are the definition of “primordial ooze.”
Two b): This is a natural Firefall—one of the amazing spectacles offered by Yosemite Park. And it occurs only in February when the setting sun hits this waterfall at just the right angle.
Three: Your history textbooks must surely have informed you that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand triggered World War I. But did they tell you that he liked to dress up like an Egyptian mummy? We found it as part of this truly awesome list of ‘7 Photographic Tricks, Hoaxes, and Fads Before Photoshop’.