A list of good reads
- Refinery29 makes an excellent point in this personal essay: There is no such thing as ‘natural’ childbirth.
- The Telegraph offers an entertaining profile of Indian women detectives.
- New York Times has a cautionary piece on the really strange games for kids—including one named Huge Kid Cesarean Birth in Hospital.
- This is an argumentative blog post by the maker of Rio sanitary pads. Whether you agree with it or not—or trust the motivation of the source—it makes a thought-provoking argument about whether women should switch to eco-friendly sanitary pads—or be ‘guilted’ into doing so.
- Washington Post has an interesting piece on the racist origins of the honorary names given to many birds.
- Everyone is sharing this New York Times article on how the pandemic has damaged (or not) PM Modi’s popularity.
- Speaking of politics, the media made a huge fuss over UP Congress leader Jitin Prasada switching to the BJP. The Print offers a skewering corrective—polls that show his own constituents haven’t even heard of him.
- Mint Lounge has a very interesting read on how the pandemic has changed Bollywood for good—and likely the audience’s taste for the better.
- Fast Company makes the case that innovation is driven by the ‘rare breed’ of employees—who typically have personality traits that are discouraged not rewarded.
- Good watch: Khanyisa Mnyaka—author of ‘Traveling While Black And Lesbian’—lists the top 10 most racist countries she's ever been to and the reasons why.
- The Guardian has the fascinating story of Dumba—the elephant who is the focus of a bitter fight between her circus owners and animal activists. FYI, there are no villains in this story.
- The India Forum offers a very good deep dive into rote learning in Indian schools—and why ed-tech isn’t a solution.