A list of curious facts
One: We all look back and think, ‘what if’—i.e. what if we did or did not make a certain choice or take a certain action. But did you know that there are two types of counterfactual thinking—and only one of them is very good for you? BigThink explains.
Two: Vegetarians have better sex. Reminder: shooting messengers is rarely helpful.
Three: Did you know that phrases like ‘tipping point’ and ‘long time, no see’ have highly racist origins? Here are five other phrases that have an equally shady past. (h/t subscriber Protima Tiwary)
Four: ‘Midriff flossing’ is a fashion trend and designer Supriya Lele’s iteration is “rooted” in her Indian heritage: “I’m always looking at my culture from a skeletal perspective.” Aren’t we all? See said ‘skeletal perspective’ below.
Five: Did you know the famous Amul baby is a Tharoor—as in a member of Shashi Tharoor’s family? There’s more in this delightful essay in Quint on his family’s long history with the brand.