A list of curious facts
One: We’ve plugged any number of microphotography gems over the past years. But our favourite has to be photographer Rose-Lynn Fisher’s project titled “Topography of Tears.” Basically, she took 100 dried human tears and put them under a powerful microscope. They included all three types—psychic tears triggered by extreme emotions; basal tears released continuously to lubricate your eye; reflex tears secreted in response to an irritant, like dust or onions.
Here’s the thing: Each crystalline structure of a tear is unique, sorta like snowflakes—as this lovely quote from Fisher explains:
Every tear that I looked at under the microscope had its own qualities — its own sort of 'signature' — whether it was from the same emotion or different emotions. For example, tears of grief could look different from each other, even when they were shed in the same moment. And similar patterns were sometimes revealed in tears provoked by different emotions. I often thought of these tear images evoking a sense of place, like aerial views of emotional terrain, and I observed with wonder how the organic structures and patterns of nature repeat at every scale.
The lead image is of tears of grief—which does indeed look like an “aerial view of emotional terrain.” Others can be remarkably apt—like this slide titled ‘What couldn't be fixed’:
And here’s something to remember the next time you’re cursing in the kitchen: below is an astonishing tapestry sparked when cutting onions. (Smithsonian Magazine)
Two: For whatever godforsaken reason, cockroach milk is back in the news again. Yes, it’s true that milk produced by a specific kind of roach has more protein, sugar and fat than the mammalian kind:
Cockroach milk is sourced from the Pacific Beetle cockroach, a type of roach that gives birth to live offspring and produces 'milk', which it feeds its embryos through a 'brood sac' (essentially a cockroach womb). There is, in fact, no actual 'milking' involved: scientists need to carve out the cockroach’s gut in order to access the milk, which is in the form of crystals.
Patriots among us will be happy to know that Indians have contributed their bit to this scientific endeavour:
Dr Chavas claims that scientists in India are now developing a yeast that can produce a form of these energy-rich milk crystals which could, in turn, be used to make bread and beer. Yes, you heard us: cockroach beer may one day turn up at a craft brewery near you. When we mention the idea to Dr Chavas, he can certainly picture it. "I’m pretty sure people going to rave parties would love to drink cockroach beer," he says.
Quintessentially namma Bengaluru—tech-forward and beer-happy. Nope, there are no images or vids for this item. You can thank us later. (BBC News)
Three: Young Chinese people have embraced a new pastime: “playful begging.” It mainly involves lounging on the roadside with signs that read “begging” — “while smoking, drinking, chatting, and taking photos, while rarely soliciting money.” Apparently, the aim isn't to score some cash. These “professional and playful beggars” view it as “a mode of socialising”—and a way to rebel against traditional norms that view begging as shameful. Never mind, it’s offensive to people who may need to beg for survival. (South China Morning Post)
Bonus fact: Yes, ostrich racing is a thing. They are ridden with chariots attached—Roman style. But the grumpy birds are way more ornery than horses and likely to lose their jockeys—as you can see below. The curious bit: Ostriches are actually native to Africa (not Australia)—where these races are common. Also: The US—since Americans are always up for anything weird.