A list of puzzling questions
Editor’s note: Every week, we feature three questions from our quiz master Shantanu Sharma—who is a researcher-writer, and has a side hustle as a professional quiz guru. He’d love to hear from you—so send your feedback/suggestions or just say ‘hi’ over at sharmashantanu312@gmail.com or @shantorasbox on Twitter.
How this works: Every correct answer is worth 10 points. If a question has multiple parts, each is worth 5 points. You have until Friday 12 pm to send in your answers to talktous@splainer.in or via DMs on Insta or Twitter. The correct answers will be published every Monday. The grand prize for the winner at the end of the month: a quarterly subscription for anyone of your choice—including the option of adding three months to your sub. That’s Rs 499 in value—so it’s pretty darn good:)
Rule to note: We will pick winners each month using a lucky draw.
The answers: to this quiz will be published next Monday. The winner for the month of December is at the bottom.
One: Spot the unusual detail in this photo taken this past New Year’s Eve in Cincinnati, Ohio, and explain its significance. (5+5)Two: Connect the images below to reveal the name of a global icon.
a) You know the name, right?
b) Who is this power-packed dancer-choreographer?
c) Her resting place
Three: This innovative campaign from over a decade ago spread an affordable and creative message about personal hygiene. Which brand led the initiative, and at which humongous gathering did it take place? (5+5)
And the super quizzers for December are…
How we picked winners: This month, we continue the system which involves a lucky draw among those with the most correct answers. You can see the lucky draw below:
Here is the leaderboard at the end of December. Congratulations to the lucky three for acing the splainer quiz! We will be emailing you soon with details of your prize—a quarterly splainer sub!