A list of intriguing things
One: These are ‘before’ and ‘after’ illustrations from the 1836 edition of Samuel Tissot’s Von der Onanie (Onanism) that show the effects of masturbation on women’s health. To be fair, he wasn’t big on self-pleasure irrespective of gender.
Two: Ah finally! Spanx for men. Welcome to the seventh circle of hell, gentlemen! Don’t worry, it “builds posture” too! Lol! If you’re curious, here’s the company website for Corewear.
Three: We’re always fascinated by unlikely artists. A little while ago, we featured Sylvester Stallone’s paintings. This week, it’s the turn of Bob Dylan—who has turned into quite a prolific painter over the past 20 years. His work is currently on exhibition in New York. The one below—titled ‘Cold Day’—is our favourite as it is the most Dylan-esque. Wallpaper has more on his work.
Four: This is what happens when you hang a bunch of billiard balls together—and slightly vary the length of the string. When physics approaches philosophy…
Five: We’re not sure which section to put this clip—of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in a surprisingly heated argument with a New York Times reporter over their anti-war politics. But we were intrigued by the very different relationship between the press and celebrities back in the day. Unthinkable for any journalist to speak to a global celebrity like this today.