![Smart & Curious](https://cdn.splainer.in/CMS/4af4032f-6b23-4aba-9c20-f7b8ee8887a2.png)
A list of intriguing things
One: The gorgeous painted snails are amongst the great natural wonders—and no two individuals are exactly the same. PBS has a stunning photo gallery. National Geographic explains why their beauty is endangering their survival (because of course it is).
Two: Did you know that there is such a thing as ‘ice music’? That’s when musicians tap beats out of naturally occurring ice or play instruments crafted from ice. Below is a short award-winning film that showcases musicians playing hand-carved ice instruments inside a glowing igloo concert hall.
Three: Museum of Memories is—in the words of curator Mallika Dabke (and splainer subscriber!)—“a repository of stories of tangible and intangible heritage” seen through the lens of gender. The lovely artwork was contributed by 12 artists between the ages of 18-25. We greatly enjoyed browsing the virtual gallery here. The work is thought-provoking, often witty and truly immersive. Below is part of ‘A Gender Investment’ by Neer Sihag.
Four: Square eggs. There’s no need to say more for this bit of 1970s Americana. Yes, Cubie was a thing.
Five: Speaking of ridiculous household objects, this is a Tech Smart Ultimate Bed. And Mashable actually reviewed it.