![Smart & Curious](https://cdn.splainer.in/CMS/4af4032f-6b23-4aba-9c20-f7b8ee8887a2.png)
A list of intriguing things
One: This is a ‘pajamas suit’ that lets you pretend you are all dressed up on Zoom: “a piece of clothing that looks like a classic suit jacket but feels like PJs.” Of course, it is Japanese.
Two: This is something that splainer subscriber Indrani Chakraverty passed along. It is absolutely amazing, but we have no more to add about this bit of performance art (despite vast amounts of googling).
Three: This is the world’s largest home—and America’s priciest. Set on a five-acre property, the LA home measures 105,000-square-foot. Below is: “A rotating white sculpture titled Unity by Mike Fields anchors the home’s foyer, which also features a custom white glass Murano chandelier.” TBH, you are better off checking out the full extent of the madness over at Architectural Digest.
Four: The hottest Lego trend is not yet another Hollywood franchise puzzle, but bouquets of very pretty flowers. Flower Bouquet and Bonsai Tree come with nearly 1,000 pieces and instructions to turn them into your very own floral arrangement. These may be the only artificial flowers we ever love. Fast Company has more.
Five: This one is less intriguing, and truly horrifying… using Lysol as a vaginal douche, really?