The TLDR: Earlier this month, 30 kgs of gold was seized at a Kerala airport. It has triggered a political firestorm that involves a mysteriously well-connected woman, the Chief Minister’s office and the UAE consulate. In other words, it has all the makings of a perfect masala movie.
Sarith Kumar was a Public Relations Officer at the local UAE consulate until last year. When arrested, he named three others. Fazil Fareed is a known gangster, while Sandeep Nair is Sarith’s brother. But the person who’s raised the most eyebrows is Swapna Suresh—a mysterious conwoman with connections in the highest places, and a very colourful history.
Here’s what we know about 36-year old Swapna Suresh:
Suresh is being painted as the femme fatale of gold smuggling in Kerala. For example, this is Malayala Manorama’s description of her personal life:
"Several persons who claimed to have been close to Swapna said she broke ties with people as easily as she made them. She was motivated by the growth in her career and her pursuit of luxury. She had short-lived relations after separating from her husband."
Suresh denied all allegations in an audio message, released when she went into hiding. She has since been arrested—along with Sandeep Nair and several others.
Also this: Sivasankar has been fired. While Congress and BJP are attacking the CM, at least two of the suspects have BJP connections.
Quite apart from the tabloid-worthy details, gold smuggling is a serious problem in India. And here’s how it works:
Other worrying angle: Intelligence officials say that the profits are being used to fund terrorist activities. Also: government sources point out that diplomatic bags cannot be used without the collusion of at least some consulate officials.
Malayala Manorama did a four part series on this case. Part 1: Who is Swapna Suresh? Part 2: The plot between Suresh and Sarith. Part 3: patterns in gold smuggling. The Lede filed an RTI and did an excellent report on how gold smuggling works in India. Indian Express explains why the big sharks always escape. The News Minute reports on the use of a diplomatic bag.
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