Monday July 19 2021

I’ll Be Watching You

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Sanity Break #1

Graphic designer Stephen Doyle’s book sculptures are a wonder to behold. Some of us may wince at the ‘destruction’ of books toward artistic ends, but Doyle insists: “The sculptures are testament to the power of language. I think of them as ideas taking physical form that allows them to cast shadows.” This one was crafted out of Gabriel García Márquez’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’.

Stephen Doyle’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ book sculpture

Headlines that matter

Check out this edition for the most important stories from around the world today!

Headlines That Matter

Sanity Break #2

Have you heard of Bo Burnham? If not, we’d like to introduce you to this wildly successful comedian—whose Netflix special ‘Inside’ now has six Emmy nominations. He is best known for his songs that offer biting social commentary with disarming folksy charm. This one is called ‘Welcome to the Internet’.

‘Welcome to the Internet’ by Bo Burnham

Smart & Curious

Here’s a list of very good reads to kick off your work week.

Smart & Curious

Feel Good Place

Need an immediate pick-me-up? We have you covered! From hilarious animal clips to stuff that’ll make you go “lol why?!”, we have all you need to keep you sane on even your worst hair day.

Feel Good Place

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(Crowd)Strike Out!

July 22 2024

Around 8.5 million computers worldwide crashed on Friday—due to a security software update.

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That’s News To Me

July 19 2024

Why news is like oysters, and how that affects the subscription business of digital media.

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Bad News Rising

July 18 2024

The digital news business is slowly falling apart worldwide—because it simply doesn’t make money.

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Kota Falls

July 17 2024

India’s coaching mecca—Kota—is haemorrhaging students even as edtech flails. Wtf and why?

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